
26th September 2019

Parent Consultative Council Meeting

Parent Consultative Council Meeting

The Parents Consultative Committee is one way in which St Aloysius’ College engages with its parent body across the schools.

It is an inclusive body which:

· Promotes partnership between school and parents

· Invites discussion on matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of our young people

· Allows parents to learn more of aspects of school life and how the school is developing

· At times will be asked to provide a parental perspective for the Head Master and leadership team

It is not a forum for individual problems or concerns nor does it replace all the other means of communication. It is not intended to be a representative body, but it is an inclusive one open to all parents who wish to nominate themselves. Members are not expected to report back to other parents as a summary of meetings will be provided on the College website shortly after each meeting. It meets once per term (ie: three times a year) and meetings will usually take begin at 7pm and take no longer than an hour and a half.

The Committee is made up as follows:

1. There will be a maximum of two members from each year group across the whole college (with the Kindergarten having two members in total)

2. A parent may stand for the PCC for a term of no more than two years

3. It is possible to stand for a second two year term but there should be a gap of two years between each term of office (ie: no person can stand for a term longer than four years and this cannot be a continuous term)

4. It is the individual who is the member and therefore a spouse/partner/family member cannot be substituted

5. If a member is unable to attend, they should send apologies but if a member does not attend for two meetings, then it will be deemed that they are no longer wishing to be part of the group unless there are exceptional circumstances

Parent Consultative Council Meeting Sept 2019