
Primary 7 Experience

Primary 7 Experience

Primary 7 is an important year for your child’s academic and social development and provides an ideal springboard from primary to secondary education. At St Aloysius' College, we are fortunate that our Junior School and Senior School are located on the same campus, with the Primary 7 classes based in our Senior School. This allows our pupils to immerse themselves in both Senior and Junior School life, ensuring a seamless transition into S1. 

In Primary 7, your child will be taught by staff from many subject areas and will have opportunities to work with S1 teachers in the last term. Junior School staff liaise regularly with the Head of S1 to discuss the progress of each pupil in anticipation for starting in our Senior School. 

There are also opportunities for our Primary 7 pupils to assume a level of responsibility within the school, with roles available for Head Boy and Girl, Companions, Prefects, Eco & Pupil Council members, Playground Mentors, and Publicists.