Alumni News

OA Careers in Maths: Imogen West (Class of '16)

OA Careers in Maths: Imogen West (Class of '16)

The most useful thing about studying maths is that it teaches us a way of approaching problems logically and methodically that is useful in any environment. It also teaches you not to give up when the first approach you try doesn't work and instead to try the next tool available and keep going until you crack it. The skills and mindset that studying maths gives us are invaluable not just in maths and science but in all areas of life.

I chose to study maths when I left school because it is so consistent, once something has been proved it is always true. The maths studied by the ancient Greeks is still true and relevant today as much as the maths of recent times and yet Maths is not complete - there is still so much more to still be discovered. 

Maths also has a lot of very interesting practical applications. Studying maths allows you to develop lots of transferable skills and opens the door to many exciting career opportunities.