22nd December 2016

Kindergarten Pupils Captivated by S3 Christmas Tales

Kindergarten Pupils Captivated by S3 Christmas Tales


Delight in Learning

Kindergarten Pupils Captivated by S3 Christmas Tales

Everyone loves a Christmas story, and some S3 pupils had the chance to write their very own this month – with Kindergarten pupils lucky enough to be the first to hear them read aloud!
Mr Meechan’s S3 English class have been working on their very own Christmas storybooks. They worked in pairs to write and decorate their books, taking into consideration such elements as story structure, rhyming words and imagery.
They also conducted research, looking at copies of actual Christmas storybooks.
These were kindly given to us by Mrs Docherty and the staff in the Kindergarten.Pupils then rehearsed saying their stories aloud, concentrating on elements including tone of voice, pace and emphasis. They realised that this was a very different kind of audience to which they were used to!
Then, once their storybooks were complete, they repaid the boys and girls in Kindergarten for allowing them to borrow their storybooks by reading to them – firstly in smaller groups, and then in front of everyone, who gathered together by the Christmas tree.The captive audience loved it and showed their appreciation through cheers, high-fives and laughter!

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