
Whole School
16th March 2021

We are back on the Hill!

We are back on the Hill!

We are back on the Hill!

It was lovely to welcome some more of our pupils back to the College yesterday. We are delighted that light seems to be visible at the end of the tunnel, and we are all keen to welcome all of our pupils back to face to face learning, but it is crucially important that we continue to ensure the health and wellbeing of our Aloysian community.

The new mitigations introduced by the government include 2m distancing within the school buildings and the wearing of face masks at all times by all pupils from S1-S6 and staff. Therefore, from 15th March through to 1st April (i.e. until we break for Easter) the following arrangements will be in place:

Our Junior School (KG-P7) returned in full on March 15th with the ‘Covid timetable’ that ran from August to December.

Pupils S1-S3: Attend school on Wednesday each week with a full face to face teaching day. In addition to this,pupils in each of the S1-S3 year groups will be based at Millerston one day a week for Numeracy, Literacy, Health and Wellbeing support and Games.

Pupils S4-S6: Attend school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week with full face to face teaching each day. On Wednesday morning pupils will engage in remote learning and be offered the opportunity to sign up for games at Millerston on Wednesday afternoon.

Pupils will attend Millerston as follows: S3 Monday; S2 Tuesday and S1 Thursday in each week. For all other days the sector leading remote learning provision will continue with a mix of synchronous and asynchronous lessons that has been so well received by pupils and parents. The programme at Millerston will be delivered by our PE colleagues, Senior Leaders and other colleagues.